Saturday, October 29, 2011

Why now?

I'm looking around the U.S.A. and see a bunch of people that are more concerned with self-serving results than doing the right thing. And it's not just the politicians. It's often the people who say that they are looking out for kids, the elderly, the disabled, or vets, etc. Be careful when someone tells you that they are looking out for so-and-so, and it has dollars attached. So is this blog self-serving? In some cases, maybe so. But it’s not going to cost you a single dollar to find out.

Who is this guy anyway? I am an educator, and a miner of truth. Like those guys digging for gold in Alaska, I am nearly impossible to dissuade. I have worked in radio and newspaper, but I am never going to give you enough info for you to figure out who I am, not that you have ever heard me or read me. I have been a reporter, a deli manager, a gas station manager, a bounty hunter, a cable TV show producer, a photographer, a prep cook, a security guard, a shoe salesman, a kick-boxer, a janitor, a dad, a barista- hard to believe but it’s all true.

So why the anonymity? Quite honesty, because I currently work in human services which gives me an accurate perspective of how government and private industry work (or don’t work) together, and if the current administrative team found out who I was, I could very easily lose my job. But I’ll put it on the line for the truth. Am I a whistleblower? No. Because we’re are going to talk about  perspective and attitude, function and dysfunction, rather than specific instances or municipalities or organizations.  

I’m a political independent and will not tow a party line for anybody. There are a good many people in radio that are great communicators, but they just can’t seem to get their thinking past the party agenda, on both the left and the right. I have seen people attempt to break down the ideas of Rosie O’Donnell or Chris Christie, only to have their commentary disintegrate into a criticism of the target person’s weight. The practice is neither enjoyable nor amusing, and the shows the smallness of the person’s thinking in what they call observation.

When Ed Shultz says he’s a liberal that packs a gun, he’s showing that he can think outside the left-wing box that people might wish he would stay in. When Mark Levin calls the GOP on the carpet for what he calls a wishy-washy stand on budget reform, he’s letting them know that he’s not playing patty cake with a party agenda, and he’s going to call fakeness as fakeness.

My observations are neither bought, nor paid for. I will listen to a good, factual presentation of an idea, and will not be intimidated by, nor respond to, flames. If you wanted to try to back me up against a wall, you should have been there when I was doing bail bond recovery. I don’t get ruffled.

We are going to discuss everything here that we aren’t supposed to: religion, politics, sex, the poor, giving, taking, having,,, it’s all up for discussion. Bring your brains, and leave the political pamphlets at home, and we’ll do fine.

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